
Marketing and Branding in the Digital Age: Key Takeaways from Lebo Lion’s Interview

Key Takeaways from an Interview with Lebo Lion on Marketing and Branding in the Digital Age

Lebo Lion, an award-winning entrepreneur, marketing and business educator, author, and speaker, is commonly known as the “Voice of Marketing.”

In a recent podcast interview with DJ Sbu, Lebo shared her experience as a female entrepreneur and provided valuable insights into the world of marketing and branding.

She emphasizes that marketing involves creating value for a product or service, while branding focuses on establishing its identity.

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However, Lebo highlights that value is crucial for product success, as branding alone cannot drive sales.

According to her, the key is to prioritize value creation and then leverage branding to amplify it.

In addition, Lebo stresses that marketing extends beyond advertising and promotion.

It encompasses market understanding, identifying customer needs, developing valuable offerings, and effectively communicating to the target audience.

She emphasizes the importance of consistency, patience, and adaptability to navigate the ever-changing market landscape.

Lebo also delves into the impact of the digital age on marketing and branding. She highlights how the internet has transformed business operations and marketing strategies.

With social media platforms, entrepreneurs can now reach a global audience and establish personal connections with customers.

Moreover, the rise of e-commerce has leveled the playing field, enabling small businesses to compete with larger companies.

Lebo Lion’s expertise and perspective shed light on the multifaceted nature of marketing and the evolving dynamics of branding in today’s digital era.


Lebo Lion’s interview provided valuable insights into the world of marketing and branding. Her emphasis on the importance of creating value and using branding to amplify it is a critical lesson for entrepreneurs.

Additionally, her views on the impact of the digital age on marketing and branding highlight the need for businesses to adapt to changing trends continually.

Her experience as a female entrepreneur is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs, particularly women who are looking to disrupt spaces and make their mark in the world.

Lebo Lion‘s last words of advice were that people have the power to design the life of their dreams, but no one will give it to them.

It starts with believing in their abilities and having the audacity to go for it, regardless of how much money they have, how they look, or who they know.

She encourages people to just start and promises that once they do, the universe will align to make things happen.

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