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How Do You Become More Articulate? – Jordan B. Peterson

This can change a person's life

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to speak so confidently and clearly? Being articulate is a valuable skill that can make you stand out and be heard.

Articulation is a great skill that helps people say what they want to say in a clear and precise way.

It is more than just talking; it is a deep form of communication that can boost a person’s presence, effect, and power.

In an interesting YouTube video of Jordan B. Peterson, we learn that someone who knows how powerful it is to be able to speak well asks for tips on how to improve.

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Peterson’s answer emphasizes the importance of being able to speak well, the worth it adds to a person’s life, and the journey to becoming more articulate, which can change a person’s life.

The Art of Speaking Clearly

Being articulate means expressing yourself with clarity, like a dancer gracefully moving their body.

It’s not just about talking; it’s about aligning your words with your thoughts and beliefs to communicate effectively.

The Power of Clear Communication

When you can articulate well, you become more capable and influential. It doesn’t matter what job you have; being able to negotiate, persuade, and share ideas confidently will set you apart and lead to success.

Why Learning Articulation Matters

Sadly, many young people aren’t taught the importance of speaking clearly.

As a result, some drop out of school, missing out on valuable opportunities to grow and succeed.

Tips to Improve Articulation

Becoming more articulate is a moral journey worth embarking on. Here are some practical steps to get you started:

  1. Pay Attention to Your Words: Be mindful of what you say and how it makes you feel. Is it making you stronger or weaker? Aim to speak with conviction and honesty.
  2. Eliminate Fillers: Reduce the use of words like “like” or “um.” These fillers can distract from your message and make you seem unsure.
  3. Read and Write: Reading great writers and expressing your thoughts through writing can improve your vocabulary and help you express yourself more clearly.
  4. Embrace Curiosity: When someone asks you a question, take a moment to think about your genuine thoughts. Answer honestly and authentically.

Improving one’s verbal skills is a fascinating path to personal development. Each word you select is like a stepping stone on the path to effective communication and self-assurance.


When Jordan B. Peterson encouraged the audience to communicate their genuine thoughts, he meant that we should express our beliefs and ideas honestly and openly. Instead of giving rehearsed or superficial responses, we should take a moment to reflect on what we truly think and feel about a question or situation. By doing so, our words become more authentic and meaningful, allowing us to connect with others on a deeper level.

For example, imagine someone asks you about your opinion on a controversial topic. Instead of giving a vague or politically correct response, take a moment to delve into your own thoughts and emotions. Consider why you hold a particular view and what experiences have shaped your perspective. Then, communicate your answer with clarity and conviction, providing insights that are genuinely yours.

To practice this, engage in more open and honest conversations with friends, family, or colleagues. Embrace curiosity and ask yourself questions about various topics, allowing your true beliefs to surface. When you communicate your answers, pay attention to how your words feel. Do they resonate with sincerity, or do they sound rehearsed? With time and practice, you will become more articulate, forging genuine connections and making a positive impact in your interactions.


Becoming more articulate is like unlocking a superpower. Speaking clearly and confidently allows you to connect with others and achieve your goals. Embrace the adventure of articulation, and you’ll find yourself on a path of self-discovery, where your words have the power to inspire, persuade, and make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

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