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A Strategy for Young Job Seekers to Find Work

Are you struggling to find the right job? We understand how challenging it can be. That’s why we want to share a proven approach that can help you succeed.

First and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that you possess valuable skills or qualities that can benefit the companies you’re interested in.

Every employer is looking for candidates who can contribute to their success or handle day-to-day tasks efficiently. Your task is to identify the unique value you bring and position yourself as the ideal solution.

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Now, let’s delve into the practical tips we have for you today, designed to simplify your job search:

Choose your preferred platform: Whether it’s Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, or any other platform, select the one you feel most comfortable with.

Target the right company: Identify the companies you’re genuinely interested in and where you’d like to send your CV or resume.

Evaluate the requirements: Take note of the job requirements and assess whether you meet them or need to acquire any additional skills.

Connect with insiders: Search for employers, HR personnel, or even employees on platforms like Indeed or social media. Establish friendly connections and find out about their career journeys.

The key to using LinkedIn effectively for job search involves connecting with professionals from your target company who are active on the platform.

This can be done by running a blank search, selecting “Posts”, “All Filters”, “Author Company”, adding your target companies, and showing results.

You should aim to identify and engage with LinkedIn users in your target companies who fall into three categories: those with “recruiter” in their job title, those with “I’m hiring” in their profile picture, and those who have recently started a new role in the company.

Engage with these individuals by leaving thoughtful comments on their posts daily for two weeks.

Comments should be meaningful and stand out from typical responses, like asking a question about their success instead of simply congratulating them on a new role.

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Research the company: Explore the company’s website and align your values with theirs. Ensure that the organization’s culture and goals resonate with you.

Understand their work: Gain a comprehensive understanding of what the company does and how it aligns with your needs. This knowledge will help you craft a customized CV or resume to accompany your email or pitch.

Showcase your value: Highlight your relevant skills and demonstrate how you can contribute to the company’s success. Maintain a humble tone and, if possible, propose a meeting or interview date.

Present your pitch: Share your tailored pitch, attaching your CV or resume. If you don’t receive an immediate response, follow up after 10-14 days.

Nurture connections: Stay in touch with the professionals you’ve connected with on social media. Building relationships can open doors to future opportunities.

Remember, don’t overthink the process. If one approach doesn’t yield the desired results, move on to the next opportunity.

It’s essential to maintain a positive mindset because, in reality, most of the things you worry about won’t happen. Trust in the effectiveness of this approach, and you’ll increase your chances of success.

Wishing you the best of luck in your job search!

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